
Know Your Rights When It Comes To Security Deposits in NYC

If you’re a responsible renter who does a reasonable job with the cleaning and upkeep of your place, getting your security deposit back after move-out day shouldn’t be difficult. Countless New Yorkers can attest, though, that the deposit battle between landlord and tenant can be a fruitless time-suck that feels weighted in favor of the […]

Beyond the Feel-Good Choice: Why It Makes Sense to Work With a Small Broker

Look, obviously, we’re a bit biased. As an ethics-driven, woman-owned, small business that’s managed to survive in the hypercompetitive New York City real estate market for two decades, urging buyers and sellers to take a chance on a small business is a no-brainer. But you might be surprised by how much sense it makes from […]

NYC Apartment-Hunters: Beware of This Listing Scam

The phrase “scam-based economy” seems to be popping up more frequently in online discourse — and it’s no wonder. Over the past few decades, scamming has become both easier and more lucrative for unscrupulous types given the relative anonymity of the internet. And when scammy internet-driven activity meets the decadent and sometimes shady world of […]

Guide to Dealing with Mold in Your NYC Apartment

Your landlord is responsible for keeping your home and building safe and livable at all times. This is called the “Warranty of Habitability.” Having a record of notifying your landlord makes for a stronger legal case. If your landlord has already been unresponsive to your requests to make repairs, a letter is a great tactic […]

What Co-op Owners Need to Know About HPD Violations

As a shareholder in a co-op building (especially if you’re an owner serving on the co-op board), it’s important you know about HDP violations.  New York City’s Department of Housing Preservation and Development issues these violations for infractions ranging from leaky refrigerators to heating system failure. And the enforcement of these quality of life laws […]

Attract High-Potential Tenants With Central AC in Your NYC Brownstone

It’s not just your imagination, summers really are getting hotter–especially if the current scorcher is any indication. Therefore, it’s more important than ever for you as a homeowner or seller to make sure your brownstone is equipped for record high temperatures if you want to attract high potential tenants.  Here’s what you need to know […]

How to Get a Free Air Conditioner to Beat the Heat

Are you eligible for a free air conditioner to help ride out the coming heat wave? If you’re interested, it’s better to find out ASAP because funds for free air conditioners are awarded on a first come first serve basis. In 2022, funds ran out by July 8th.  New York City is currently experiencing soaring […]

Five Tips for Roof Deck Etiquette

Your apartment’s roof deck can be a great place to make friends, impress neighbors, throw a great party, and maybe even meet that special someone. However, there are things to keep in mind so you don’t become “that guy” or “that lady” at your building—let alone get on the bad side of the building’s management. […]

5 Tips for Making Your NYC Home Allergy-Free

Pollen counts are at their peak in NYC in April, May, and September. So even if you’re still feeling them now, we’re sorry to say that you only have a short reprieve before you get hit with them in in a few months.   Of course, you can take over-the-counter medications to calm your symptoms or […]

Are You Responsible for Repairing a Sidewalk in Front of Your NYC Home?

As a kid, you may have heard that rhyme, “step on a crack, break your mother’s back” (sorry mom!). As an adult, a sidewalk crack could mean a whole lot more trouble than that. Broken sidewalks are considered a danger to pedestrians and New York City law holds homeowners responsible for fixing the sidewalks in […]