
The Complete Guide to Buying Investment Property in NYC Guide

Buying your first investment property in NYC?  We’ll go over the pros and cons of investing in real estate vs the stock market, the tax benefits of real estate investing, how to calculate returns from rental properties, and challenge some commonly accepted advice such as buying investment property in an LLC.  Should I Invest in […]

Summer 2022: To Rent or To Buy?

As of July 2022, renters are having a rough go of it. Rents have been steadily increasing to meet higher demand & to combat increasing expenses for landlords (read: inflation); some even going so far as to offer gifts & crazy increased rents to secure their apartment. The whole rental process can be daunting, more […]

Home Maintenance Series: Summer

Wondering what maintenance needs to be done on your home in the summer? Our best tip is to enjoy your space this season, inside and out, and only tackle the projects that absolutely need to be done! The list below is a great place to start. Inside of Your Home You’ve likely already done a […]

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