
Spotlight on Open Venue, Mary A. Whalen

Yesterday we wrote a blog about the event Open Venues BK, which is a week-long event where possible wedding, birthday, etc venues open there doors to the public for tours and info.  Today we’d like to shine a spotlight on one of those venues, which will open for touring tomorrow, the historic oil tanker Mary […]

Open Venues BK is this week.

What an awesome idea this is!  This week Brooklyn Based, along with Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce and Explore BK is presenting Open Venues BK.  This event allows you to tour possible wedding or birthday party or any other celebratory affairs venues around Brooklyn.  This week-long event started on Sunday and will run though until March […]

Brooklyn Community Board 6 meeting tonight.

The environmental protection,permits, and licenses committee meeting for community board 6 is tonight at 6:30pm.  The meeting will take place at the 78th police precinct (65 6th avenue between Dean and Bergen Streets).  The agenda is below and as usual it is open to the public so feel free to come out and watch.   […]

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