
Red Hook Art Project needs volunteers.

We wanted to share this message we received from RHAP (Red Hook art project), which is a non-profit organization that offers free tutoring and mentoring for youth in the community.  They are looking for volunteers.  The specifics of what they need are below. If you would like to join the “community of Red Hook adults helping Red Hook children” please contact RHAP!

1) Our homework help sessions (Monday through Thursday, 5 to 7 pm) need a few more helpers – and the students need more help! – would you be interested in volunteering one afternoon a week between now and the end of the school year?
2) Our third generation (ages 8 through 10) visual art class (Saturday, 10 am to 12 noon) needs more tutors – we have two wonderful lead tutors for this group but they could use some more assistance. 
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