
First Time Home Buyers Workshop with Chris and Ronica Webb.

We wanted to share this info with you for another workshop hosted by RC’s Christopher and Ronica Webb and Kimberly Benson from MLB Mortgage.  If you missed their other workshops then put this one on your calendar!  It’s going to be Saturday, June 4th from 11am-1pm at Roy Wilkins Family Center in Jamaica Queens.  The […]

Kitchen at Cobble Hill.

The restaurant at 254 Court Street has had some transformations.  When they first opened they were only open for a short time before revamping the menu and the interior space and were named Karloff back then.  They have recently done some more revamping and changed the name to Kitchen at Cobble Hill.  Not sure why […]

Buying into Brooklyn Workshop at Brooklyn Brewery.

We’re back!  It’s been a little while since we’ve teamed up with Brooklyn Based and Sterling National Bank to bring you this workshop on buying a home in Brooklyn.  Join RC’s Victoria Hagman and Tina Fallon at this fun and informative event.  As usual it’s only $10 and that comes with a beer! More info […]

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