
August in Brooklyn by Darlene Miller.

Why has August arrived so soon? I haven’t checked off half of my Brooklyn In July Oh Yeah list and here is August in full swing. Summer goes by so quickly.  I haven’t dined al fresco enough or been to as many outdoor films and concerts as I would have liked.  Ok, August, I’m going to try […]

Brooklyn Pizza Event Tonight.

For all Brooklyn Historical Society members here is a discount alert.  For all pizza lovers here is an awesome event alert! Brooklyn Brainery and BHS present Brooklyn Pizza:The Search for Authenticity at 7pm tonight at the Brooklyn Historical Society (128 Pierrepont St).  Tickets are $12 for the general public and members get them for $8! […]

CitiBike Bike Share Program Comes to Red Hook by Maryam Daghmoumi

    When the CitiBike program launched a few years ago, a lot of local residents (including myself) were left scratching our heads. Why hadn’t they placed any stations in transportation lacking neighborhoods like Red Hook, Columbia Waterfront or Gowanus.    The point of a bike-share program is to alleviate congested traffic conditions and provide […]

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