
Women-Owned Business Series: Amy from Seed2Stone

Welcome back to our Women-Owned Business Series! We are excited to feature Amy from Seed2Stone, an affordable lab-grown diamond jewelry brand that modernizes the look of diamond jewelry! With an emphasis on positive ESG with sustainable materials and manufacturing practices, Amy aims to be inclusive and focused what consumers want – something that is unique, responsible, and affordable. Read all about her journey below!

First, tell us about your business and anything special we should know about it or you.

Seed2Stone is a new category of affordable lab-grown diamond jewelry, responding to the consumers demands for positive ESG with sustainable materials and manufacturing practices. We are differentiated by starting the customer journey earlier than traditional jewelers, with expanded jewelry categories to meet the new consumer’s style, and a brand voice that speaks to them.

After decades as a product development and merchandising executive in the fine jewelry industry, I have seen a lot of sameness in diamond jewelry: the dated styling, the disruptive mining for diamonds and metals, old school ways of communication, messaging and sales, and the dated views on when to get diamonds and who buys them. It has been a stale industry with little change.

For these reasons, the next generation is turning away from diamonds, and it is no surprise! I feel there is an opportunity to modernize this tired industry for the new era; from styling, to how and when diamonds are purchased, to the social and environmental disruption.

Why do you feel a connection to your work?

I see a need to bring ethically produced sustainable materials to the next generation that might otherwise turn away from diamonds. That IMO would be a great loss to all. Motivated by the evolution and continuation of diamonds to be seen in a new modern light. We are changing when, how, why and where diamonds show up for the new consumer.

They can now show up attainably priced.

25% of our collection is retailed under $200 retail.

They can now show up sustainably produced. They can now show up where and how we want…in the nose, upper ear, rook…

As a business owner, community is everything. In what ways do you serve your community and how has your community served you?

I feel that Seed2Stone is serving the community by recognizing the new consumer and bringing them into the fold by aiming to serve a diverse and inclusive community in all ways.

What advice would you give to young women who want to start a small business?

Speak to as many people as you can to gather everyones opinions. Listen with an open mind and ask questions, do not defend your position. Then, follow your gut and believe in your path.

What women inspire you and why?

All the women entrepreneurs and business women that have broken through the glass ceiling and have taken on the struggles for the women following them. The women that reach out to help those that are coming after them inspire me the most. They are not just about their own journey but about opening doors for those that come after. All of the women out there starting the new Women’s organization’s are making way for women entrepreneurs the most. Like Cate Luzio of Luminary, or the women at 10th House are most game changing.

What do you think are the most significant challenges for women business owners or women in leadership positions?

Fundraising is more difficult for women. Equal pay for women in leadership roles is so often talked about but still too slow to change.

Seed2Stone launched its website 10 months ago and beginning to grow! They are launching their body jewelry collection this summer – check out their website for details!

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