
Open House Safe Word by Jane Herro

Sunday to you may mean brunch. Sunday to me means hitting up open houses around Brooklyn. I can already feel the 2018 sales market heating up and when you’re slated to view 8 apartments in a 3 hour span in 5 different neighborhoods, you have to be strategic in your approach. Enter the open house safe word, which was introduced to me in this hilarious article a while back.

As an agent, I’ve hosted plenty of open houses and can usually tell pretty quickly whether or not someone is interested. For those of you uninterested buyers who feel guilty about just turning right around and walking out the door, the safe word is for you. Agree on a non real estate related word with your agent (grapefruit, turtleneck, periwinkle) and drop it when you see a deal breaker in the unit. Your agent (hopefully me) will then facilitate a polite but quick exit, saving you time and energy. Ultimately, the seller doesn’t want you wasting time in their home any more than you want to be wasting time in an apartment you’re definitely not going to buy.

Why work with a buyers agent you ask? First of all, I’m fun to hang out with. Are you free Sunday? I’m all yours. Secondly, I LOVE the hunt and will keep you posted on new spots that hit the market and will be here to pick you up when you think you can’t possibly look at another miniature apartment that has been masterfully shot with a wide angle lens. Last but not least, I work for YOU (the buyer) and will negotiate the best deal on your behalf at no cost to you.

Thinking about buying? Email me anytime at jane@realtycollective.com
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