
Labor Day West Indian Carnival and More

Labor Day along Eastern Parkway becomes a sea of colorfully-dressed West Indian American parade goers celebrating and dancing down the street.  Also known as the New York Caribbean Carnival, this event is amazingly vibrant. It’s a wonderful experience to feel so much joy and pride surrounding you and it’s hard not to get wrapped up in the contagious celebratory atmosphere yourself.  For a small taste of what to expect click here where you’ll see some video footage and a brief explanation. And for more information on where and when to go, head to the West Indian American Day Carnival Association’s official website.

Want to practice before the parade? According to WIADCA’s website there is an event this Sunday at the Prospect Park Zoo that may interest you.  It’s called Carnival Zumba by the Zoo and it begins at 11am.  We couldn’t find this information on the Zoo website so you may want to call to confirm.

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