
Big Apple Green Market Pics.

We blogged about Pacific Green, on Court and Pacific, taking over the Mastellone’s spot a while back.  They’ve recently opened and we’ve taken some pictures of the space.  A little smaller than their space on Pacific but still very nice.  With many green markets in the area they seem to still be pulling in a […]

Francesco’s Restaurant having an auction today.

For weeks we’ve seen the signs indicating that Francesco’s pizzeria is under renovation and moving to their next door location soon.  They had two sides to the restaurant when they were open and they shut one side down for renovations and recently shut both sides until they are ready to open the first as a […]

Check out our Halloween pics.

We walked all throughout the area yesterday and saw some wonderful costumes.  Our favorite streets were Strong Place and Cheever in Cobble Hill.  They really got into it.   Brooklyn is the absolute best for trick or treating! Lots more pics below.

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