
Natural and Organic Children’s Boutique coming to Carroll Gardens.

We passed this sign last week.  It’s a store coming in the fall to 376 Court Street between President and Carroll, a spot that used to be a doctor’s office.  It has a prime location right next to Kidville so parents dropping their kids off their may do some window shopping right next door.  While […]

Clothing label now hiring in Red Hook.

We saw this sign over the weekend and snapped a pic to share.  Nadia Tarr, a clothing label in Red Hook at 405 Van Brunt, is hiring.  They have several positions open, mostly for part time work.  You can call, stop by and drop your resume in their box or email nadiatarr@mac.com.  You can look […]

25looks.com Style Event Pics.

We had so much fun sponsoring this event in Red Hook last Wednesday night.  There was a great turn out, yummy food, and everyone left happy!  We’re sharing some pics from the night.  The venue was beautiful, especially the view, as you can see below.  The food was provided by Orchard (above) and drinks by […]

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