
French eyewear shop opening on Smith Street.

The ever-changing Smith Street amazes us each time we walk down it.  New shops opening up all around us.  Yesterday we blogged about the pop-up Macaron shop.  Here’s another new place with a French background (pictured above).  An eyewear store, Called Anne & Valentin, that has locations in Paris, Toulouse, Manhattan and soon to be […]

Pop-up Macaron bar on Smith Street.

We passed by this colorful pop-up shop over the weekend and snapped some pics of the outside and the inside (yumminess below!)  It’s called Vendome and is located at 233 Smith Street for now until March where it will move to 1 Brooklyn Bridge Park.  As you can see they have several flavors, including some […]

First Thanksgiving in our new home.

Hey all, I haven’t written a blog about our adventures with buying in Brooklyn or renovating in a while but I wanted to check in and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!  We are so grateful for our friends, neighbors, co-workers, and community.  And very thankful to be settled into our new home.  The photo above […]

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