
Red Hook parks follow-up meeting.

Please spread the word on this as the date has been changed and some people may have gotten the older information. The correct info is on the flyer above. It will be held this Thursday from 6pm-8pm at the Library at 7 Wolcott Street. Red Hook residents and members of the community, come out and […]

News Views: Brooklyn Waterfront Tastes is this Wednesday.

The 11th annual moveable feast, benefiting the Brooklyn Greenway Initiative, will take place this Wednesday June 17th at the Glasserie in Greenpoint.  Over the years we’ve watched the greenway spring to life and beautify our hood and this is all due to the great efforts of the people at BGI and it’s supporters.  The party […]

Red Hook Art Project updates.

Red Hook Art Project (RHAP) has been doing very well!  We get updates via email and we wanted to share with you what they’ve been up to.  Firstly, they’ve moved into a larger space. (pics above) and a student leader was interviewed for the NBC nightly news for his numerous achievements. Also, two student leaders […]

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