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We have moved out of the busy spring open house season and the market is slowing down in all areas.  There are a few reasons buyers are out in droves during the spring, including the weather being so nice and everyone seemingly coming out of hibernation. One big reason is that families want to purchase a place and move before the new school year begins. See our recent blog about buying and renting for the school zone.

What if you wait until the end of the summer to buy? You’ll definitely get better deals. There are homes just being put on the market now that have missed the rush and will be more apt to price their space with that in mind.  Also, apartments and houses that have not yet sold will be lower their asking prices or more willing to negotiate. We are moving into a buyers market and waiting, though tricky for those on a time crunch, could be worth it. Read more about statistics of home buyers both with and without kids and their buying and selling tendencies here. It’s definitely a choice every family must make on their own. Good to weigh your options!

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