
Women-Owned Business Series: Allison from Allison Robbins Wines

When it comes to wine, Allison Robbins is an expert. Her company, Allison Robbins Wines, focuses on wine distribution and custom seminars filled with unique sensory components. Her education and background both align with wine. Every day, she pushes forward in her business to share these passions with all of Brooklyn. Read about her below:

First tell us about your business and anything special we should know about it or you.

I started my wine brokerage and distributorship in Santa Monica, California, and moved to Brooklyn three years ago. In addition to selling wine, I conduct custom-designed sensory wine tastings with sensory components to aid in understanding the olfactory aspects of wine grapes.

Tell us a little about your background and why you feel a connection to your work.

I have a Certification in Vintage Wine from UCLA, hold both Intermediate and Advanced diplomas from the Wine and Spirits Education Trust, and am a member of the Society of Wine Educators.

We’d like to know about your experience within your community. What community do you identify as being part of ? Why did you choose the neighborhood your business is located in, if you have a physical location? How have you become involved within your community?

I am a member of the Brooklyn Soloists, a group of entrepreneurs who are solo practitioners.

What advice would you give to young women who want to start a small business?

I started my business from scratch, learned mistakes, and benefited from learning how to correct them. That said, it would have been great to have had a mentor!

What woman inspires you and why?

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, for starters, for her integrity and support for equal rights for all people. Single mothers, especially during the pandemic, for their fortitude. Michelle Obama, for her elegance, work in the humanities, and eloquence. Alice Waters, for her work promoting healthy eating and autonomy in growing one’s food sources when possible.

What do you think are the most significant challenges for women business owners or women in leadership positions?

Doing all aspects of the business alone (social media, marketing, accounting, running the business, etc.) when they are first starting out and being unable to benefit from economy of scale when buying materials in the early days of production.

How do you motivate yourself and stay motivated?

I believe motivation is the product of activity, not the pre-requisite, so I try to stay active.

Being a small business owner means relying on your community to support you and getting involved within your community as well. In what ways do you feel supported and actively engage with your neighborhood of residents and other business owners?

By belonging to the Soloists and the wine community — and offering my wine tastings free for charitable events.

Click here if you’d like to learn more about Allison Robbins Wines – and check out her private seminars!

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