
Women-Owned Brooklyn Business Series: Tracy Bullock of Simplicity do your dream

We spoke with our friend Tracy Bullock recently. She was kind enough to do an interview with us as part of our “Women-Owned” series and shared some photos! Read more and see pics below!

First tell us about your business and anything special we should know about it or you.

I am Tracy Bullock. Owner of Simplicity do your dream – a feminist consulting and coaching business. I am a business owner, an entrepreneur. I am your neighbor.  A boss.  A yogi.  I have a family. I am a feminist, a partner, and friend. I am you.  As a consultant I coach and support women professionals, long standing, experienced business owners, start ups, practitioners, career women working within larger corporations or entities, non-for-profits, students, those exploring career transitions …. all inspiring, courageous, and awesome.
My business offers structuring; system building; branding advisement and guidance; training of teams, staff, and contractors; website creation and maintenance; and more! My aim is be as open and flexible as my clients are in their work – going with the “flow”, catering my services to the unique needs of the unique women in my community.
Do you have any events coming up?

My company does now and shall to expand upon – a variety of workshops and classes serving a variety of peoples: parents, female professionals, birth and women’s health workers, and more! A full calendar is coming soon. Visit my website to join the mailing list and stay apprised of all the great goings on: https://simplicitydoyourdream.com

In addition I speak on empowerment and the business of feminism in partnership with like-minded groups. To learn more, re joining me, or work with me for your event or happening  – please email me directly:


Tell us a little about your background and why you feel a connection to your brand.

Because I am my brand.  I am Simplicity do your dream.

Working in the trenches and at the head of numerous businesses – at the helm, behind the curtain, and at the side of advocates, leaders, managers, and artists. Eyes on the prize, ears open, and antennas primed – I learned on the job, the late nights and early mornings.

In a world rife with opportunity, the world of women sadly remains underserved. Under facilitated and floundering in internal and external malaise. We are shackled by visible and invisible hindrances, restrictions and prejudice, many unspoken and masked in and by mainstream apathy.

Unacceptable. And too easily changeable – on woman at a time. Thus I step forth as a business woman, advocate, and empath – using my skills, training, education, passion, and courage to life up other women as I have been lifted by so many.

“Connection” does not say it properly – the more apt term is: vocation. Or calling. My brand is my mission, my job, my life. May you be so blessed. And may my company help you get there.

We’d like to know about your experience within your community.  Do you have a studio in a specific neighborhood and, if so, why did you choose the neighborhood that you did to open your business? How have you become involved within your community?
I work remotely from the Wing or Yard. I offer classes, events, and professional support to many brick’n mortar operations in the “community”. Why? Because I live here too. I work here. The health of my community is my health. That I know so well.
Small business is the no less than the bed rock of America, and Brooklyn IS America!
Standing beside and in support of so many of local leaders, all contributing to our ‘hoods is an honor I hold dear. They may thank me – but I so heartily thank them; you -our neighbors, really, my everything.
What advice would you give to young women who want to open a small business?
Do it! If you want to – you know it. That is all the training you need. Business ownership is like all the great things in a democratic society – it is open to us.
However, in that, be as savvy as you are. Build your team. Work your network.  You need support, no doubt, but be discriminating. Choose wisely. Your team will be your trunk, your root.
OK – add on: a strong brand is essential. It is an infinitely on going exploration, but can not be understated it, The strength of your brand informs everything.
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