
Visit caribBEING House for Target First Saturday at Brooklyn Museum.

This Saturday, August 4th between 5pm and 10pm, Brooklyn Museum is holding it’s monthly Target First Saturday event. This month it’s featuring a mobile art center from local Brooklyn creative hub, caribBEING. Described on the museum’s site as “Caribbean voices through art and activations”, it’s sure to be a lovely cultural experience! Read more below.

The passion behind CARIBBEING began in 2010 when Founder Shelley V. Worrell launched the Flatbush Film Festival to address the deficit of Caribbean cultural programming in New York City. Following its success, in 2012 CARIBBEING expanded its mission, producing its first exhibition “Spirit of Carnival” at Museum of Contemporary African Diasporan Arts (MoCADA), and “Carnival Panorama”, the largest public program coinciding with the Caribbean: Crossroads of the World show in partnership with Queens Museum, Studio Museum in Harlem and El Museo del Barrio. Since then, CARIBBEING  has curated over 200 experiences reaching 100k+ attendees with leading cultural institutions and brands such as AirBnB, Brooklyn Museum, BRIC, Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), and Tribeca Film Festival, to name a few.  We’ve also taken CARIBBEING international with film screenings in Poland (2012), France (2013), Barbados (2014) and Haiti (2016) and to symposia in Cuba (2014) and Haiti (2016).  

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