
Petition Against Cobble Hill High Rises.

We wanted to share this message from the Cobble Hill Association with you all.  As many of you already know, especially those in the Cobble Hill community, there has been an effort to stop the planning and building of towers on Hicks and Atlantic Avenue.  Please read more about these plans and if you’d like to voice your opinion in opposition to them, you can sign the petition below.

At the November 18th community meeting, hundreds of our Cobble Hill neighbors and friends made their feelings loud and clear:The development proposals are too damn big.Our representatives heard our message and they are behind us in this momentous effort to stop Fortis Property Group from building out-of-scale high-rises on the site of the former Long Island College Hospital.

Now we need to make sure Mayor de Blasio hears us, too! Toward that end, we are petitioning Mayor de Blasio to work with us— not against us— in our efforts to significantly downscale the current redevelopment plans. We’ve already collected almosttwo thousand signaturesand the more the merrier. 

Access and sign our petition online. (Your email will be your signature.)

All the community’s signed petitions will be delivered directly to the Mayor’s office next week.

Please sign or share today!

And THANK YOU! for being a part of our community.


The Cobble Hill Association

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