
Need an Extra Bedroom? Try the Bookshelf Wall Solution

Finding the perfect apartment to rent is hard enough in Brooklyn. If all you need to stay in your current space is an extra bedroom, you may be able to take a creative angle and make things work. Bookshelf walls, for example, offer privacy, style, and storage. They are also completely legal when installed correctly. Read on to learn more about this potential space-producing, budget-friendly solution.

What is a Bookshelf Wall?

A bookshelf wall is exactly what it sounds like — bookshelves are used to partition off a section of a room to allow for a more private sleeping area. They can be used to allow for an extra roommate to split rent costs, as a small nursery in a baby’s early days, or even as a home office.

The walls are temporary, meaning you can assemble and reassemble the private space as often as you need. And the extra storage comes in handy in small living quarters. Face the shelves in for bedroom storage, or out for living room style and storage.

Are Bookshelf Walls Allowed in All Apartments and Condos?

Dividing apartments and condos with permanent, pressurized walls is typically illegal in Brooklyn. It’s also tricky to create bedrooms with appropriate heat and cooling, windows, and square footage in this manner.

However, bookshelf walls create a private area, not a legal bedroom. Since they are not permanent, they are typically allowed. You may still need to check with your property manager to ensure you’re not exceeding apartment capacity, and that your space is safe in security and fire circumstances.

How Much Do Bookshelf Walls Cost?

The best part of bookshelf walls is how budget-friendly they are. You can make the cost work for you by choosing bookshelves that fit into your budget. You may want to add other aspects, such as curtain doors with tension rods.

All in all, bookshelf walls are worth considering if you love your space but need a bit more privacy for a sleeping area. If you create your own, don’t forget to let us know how it turns out!

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