
Moving Tips for a Less-Stress Experience.

Renters in Brooklyn usually move quite a bit. We know people that have lived in a dozen or so apartments during their time in New York. Rising rents, promotions that allow you to upgrade your space, growing families, and roommate issues all contribute to the need to trade up. And we can all agree that moving is a big pain! We have some tips that will make the whole experience a little easier.

  1. Start early! Packing up knickknacks, seasonal clothing and other items you won’t need well before your move date will allow you to really take your time and spread out the work load. Make sure you label your boxes to make for an easier move-in.
  2. Hire movers! Get quotes from a few different places before making your choice and don’t underestimate how many boxes you’ll have because that will leave you with a big surprise expense when the movers show up. Try to really gauge how much you actually have. This is when packing early really pays off because it will give you a good idea. Can’t afford a moving company? Another option is to rent a Uhaul and add a couple of movers to your order for the heavy lifting. It’s much much cheaper than a moving company but you’ll have to pitch in and do the driving and box carrying also. And again, people tend to underestimate on this one too, hiring movers for only a couple of hours. If you have a good amount of furniture and stuff you’ll need them for at least three or four hours most likely.
  3. Prepare for your weather! A lot of New Yorkers move during the summer. If you are one of them you should be prepared for a hot day. An especially steamy day while moving can turn a somewhat stressful day into a stressful and miserable day. You can prepare for that though! Sunhats, appropriate attire and most importantly lots of ice cold water on hand for yourself and the movers. Another great idea is to make sure your AC is accessible when you get to your new place so you can install it quickly and start cooling your space off before lugging things inside.
  4. Donating and recycling. If you are getting rid of a lot of your things you can set up pickups before your move or find out where you can drop off donations and electronic waste material. Getting that finished before your move day will free you up. Out with the old in with the new!

Here are 33 more tips from Buzzfeed!

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