
Morbid Anatomy Event in Late September.

Some of you may not know that Morbid Anatomy has a space in Greenwood Cemetery. Those of you just finding out are probably having the same reaction we had when we first learned about this partnership. “Wow, that is perfect!” were the first words that came to mind as we realized that the beloved Brooklyn museum of morbid curiosities was not only still around but had found the most fitting location. We wrote a blog about this back in June and you can read that here.

We promised to keep you all updated with future happenings in this space and we are pleased to share news of the event on September 27th 7pm-8:30pm, The Wicker Man: Ancient Origins and Modern Revival. Read more about it below!

Each year in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada, a towering figure made of wicker known as “The Man” is ceremoniously set ablaze at the culmination of Burning Man, the iconoclastic festival of community and art. The Wicker Man, however, dates back to the ancient Celtic world, when the Druids burned these giant figures in effigy, purportedly sometimes containing human sacrifices. This lecture, led by former lawyer turned religious studies scholar Amy Slonaker, explores the history and modern revival of the Wicker Man in neo-pagan rites and pop culture events and where legend and fact diverge.

$10 for members of Green-Wood and BHS / $15 for non-members

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