
Commercial Landlord or Tenant? Check Out These Great Resources

With a mortgage moratorium and 90-day pause on evictions—not to mention some businesses being deemed essential while others aren’t—it can be tough as a commercial landlord or commercial tenant to know where you fit in amid all the COVID-19 concerns.

Fortunately, we have a few valuable resources to offer you that may help. First, this content from law website Nixon Peabody has some practical advice for both landlords and tenants about the path forward, as well as a downloadable PDF for easy reference.

Next, we found this Law 360 article on Anticipating The Pandemic’s Impact on Retail Leases to be unusually candid about possible outcomes in the next few months as landlords and tenants will have to take a seat at the table to negotiate. 

Finally, as part of our ongoing joint video series to keep you up-to-date on the all real estate issues related to the current public health and economic challenges posed by COVID-19, we’re pleased to have joined  Erin Gleason Alvarez, ADR and independent arbiter and mediator, for this past Monday’s Considerations for Commercial Leases.

This 60-minute program provided an overview of the issues faced in commercial real estate as Covid-19 poses uncertain implications for business interruption, force majeure, and “Good Guy Clauses.”

Click here to watch the full presentation. If you’re a commercial landlord or tenant who has questions about your livelihood during this challenging time, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us as a resource.

NEW: Don’t miss this upcoming presentation on Negotiating Rent and Debt Relief Amid COVID 19 this Tuesday, April 14!



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