
Celebrating Our 15th By Giving Back: NYC REIC

As a part of our 15th Anniversary celebration and thank you to Brooklyn, we’ve selected 15 non-profit organizations to highlight that are doing work in our borough—or directly helping our fellow Brooklynites. We encourage everyone to learn a bit about the people making our community stronger and, if possible, to join us in making a small monetary donation to further their work. We thank them for everything they do and thank you for supporting a small, woman-owned Brooklyn business for the past 15 years! 

It only takes reading the first sentence on the website of the New York City Real Estate Investment Cooperative to see why we want to support their work: “What if investment in real estate and concern for local community went together?” We not only share this optimism but believe it can come true. 

The Cooperative works in much the same way your local food co-op might—many everyday people coming together with a small monetary investment that pools to offer much greater leverage as a collective than individuals have. Anyone willing to agree to a very short and very manageable list of membership requirements—including a membership fee of just $10—can join and make their voice heard. 

If you’d like to learn more, we strongly encourage you to take just one minute (really!) to watch their explainer video to learn more about the organization’s goals. We thank NYCREIC for their power-to-the-people mindset paired with their on-the-ground organizing efforts. 

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