
Celebrating Our 15th By Giving Back: New York Community Trust

As a part of our 15th Anniversary celebration and thank you to Brooklyn, we’ve selected 15 non-profit organizations to highlight that are doing work in our borough—or directly helping our fellow Brooklynites. We encourage everyone to learn a bit about the people making our community stronger and, if possible, to join us in making a small monetary donation to further their work. We thank them for everything they do and thank you for supporting a small, woman-owned Brooklyn business for the past 15 years! 

What’s a cause that’s close to your heart? Education? Kids in foster care? Climate change? No matter what moves you, the odds are good that the New York Community Trust has given funds to help local non-profits fund on-the-ground solutions. We want to highlight the work of the
New York Community Trust because their important work is so often done behind the scenes.

“For more than 90 years,” their website explains, “The New York Community Trust has been taking on tough problems to improve the quality of life in New York by supporting nonprofits that speak to the charitable passions of our generous donors.”

So often, when people want to make a difference, they begin by trying to reinvent the wheel. Instead, NYCT looks at who is already helping and considers how they might boost their efforts. If you are at all interested in the world of nonprofits, grantmaking, philanthropy, or trusts, be sure to check out their podcast, Trust Talks

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