
Brooklyn Home Prices Still Soaring!

A New York Times piece, Brooklyn Real Estate Prices Climb Higherthat came out yesterday announced that the home sales prices in Brooklyn have continued to rise. We have seen this first hand here at Realty Collective.  The market hasn’t slowed as Brooklyn’s popularity grows while the markets in Manhattan and other boroughs have not had the same steady growth.

The median price is at $770,000, which is up 2.7% from last year at this time.  We weren’t surprised to hear that the areas that saw the most gain were Bed Stuy, Crown Heights and East New York as we’ve seen these areas explode in recent years and many developers move in.

We have a 2 bedroom coop listed in Brooklyn Heights right now for $729,000, which is $41,000 under the median home price in Brooklyn! Check out this gorgeous home here.

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