
The ABC’s of New York Housing for Landlords

We have posted in the past about tenant’s rights, and it’s important for renting New Yorkers to be informed in this regard. It’s just as important for landlords to be knowledgeable. Do you know your rights as a landlord and your tenants’ rights? Learn these and more, such as housing maintenance codes and New York City housing requirements for multiple dwelling buildings in this New York Department of Housing Preservation and Development Guide. It is important to know your responsibilities as a landlord and the guide breaks it down for you.

Another helpful document has to do with security deposits. Take the proper steps to assure that a tenant knows exactly how the space should be left before moving out. If a portion or all of the deposit needs to be withheld, follow this guide, which leads you step by step through the before and after process, and you will have a clear case in your favor.

One more great blueprint for being an exemplary landlord discusses everything from a landlords right to enter a premises to breaking down repair responsibilities.


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