
A Message From Carlos Menchaca

We received the message below from our Council Member, Carlos Menchaca, and wanted to pass it along!  We’re so proud of Menchaca and all the politicians standing up for immigrant rights and protesting alongside their constituents. We’ve been hearing about a lot of folks putting pressure on our local politicians, in fact we blogged about the protest at Chuck Schumer’s Brooklyn apartment over the weekend.  Just remember it’s also important to say thanks when you see how hard they are working in such a chaotic and outrageous political climate! Stay strong!

This Saturday, I rushed to JFK to organize peaceful protest and to stand with our Muslim brothers and sisters. I stood with thousands of JFK travelers, outraged New Yorkers, rabbis, immigration advocates, and the families traumatized with detention and deportation. Our message was clear:

We are watching.
No Ban, No Wall
Not In Our City

Your presence matters.

In the NYC area, Take Action NYC’s calendar is a good source of opportunities to participate.

If joining protests isn’t for you, stay informed, speak to your neighbors, contact your elected officials, volunteer, and make your voice heard.

Contact my office at (718) 439-9012 or info38@council.nyc.gov if you’d like to raise an issue, volunteer, or connect with local organizations creating positive change in difficult times.

We are in this for the long haul.

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