
3 Outdoor Brooklyn Bars for Labor Day Drinks

As the long weekend approaches and the summer comes to an end a lot of us are having the same thought.  “I need a drink!”. Well, there aren’t many weekends left to take advantage of sitting on a bar’s patio or garden area and having a few drinks while the sun goes down.  Here are our picks for grabbing an outdoor cocktail or brew in Brooklyn.

Commonwealth in Park Slope Brooklyn is a solid bar all around.  Nice bartenders, chill atmosphere, and a good jukebox. They also happen to have a very large outdoor patio.  It’s not usually too crowded so here is where you want to head to avoid hordes.

The Crown Inn is one of our picks because, not only do they have a pretty good sized backyard to sit it, they also have amazing cocktails. Frozen or on the rocks their cocktail menu is definitely top-notch.

Our third choice is Pig Beach in Gownaus. It’s hard not to sit in the backyard of this beer garden/bbq restaurant and not feel like you are making the most of your summer night. It’s also hard to get a table sometimes so go early if it’s not raining or too hot.  They have a bright indoor area with high ceilings as well. If you get there and can’t find a seat outside, it’s not a bad alternative.


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