
Women-Owned Business Series: Laura Denby Kitchen

We got a chance to sit down with Laura Denby of Laura Denby Kitchen to hear about her Brooklyn-based business. Read our interview below and check out her Instagram from some amazingly mouth-watering pics!
First tell us about your business and anything special we should know about it or you.
I’m a private chef based in Brooklyn, and I help people create nourishing weekly meal plans using organic, local and wholesome ingredients. I love working within my clients’ tastes and preferences to come up with really creative and exciting meals that are delivered to their homes, readymade, each week.
Do you have any events coming up?.
We’re always working on fun events and collabs in Brooklyn and Manhattan, so check the website to see what we have coming up!
Tell us a little about your background and why you feel a connection to your brand, field, or product.
From a young age I was raised to eat a very healthy, wholesome and well balanced diet. Coming from Long Island, we were lucky enough to always have access to local farms and orchards where we could enjoy the freshest produce all year long. My trips out to the farm stands on the East End of Long Island are what really taught me to eat locally and enjoy seasonal produce all year long. That practice has really stuck with me in my professional culinary career as I work to incorporate the freshest ingredients at the peak of their growing season. 
I’m a private chef, caterer and freelance food writer. After graduating from Penn State with a degree in Journalism, my dream was to become a full time food writer, but I knew I needed a little more experience. After a few years in Corporate American I enrolled in Culinary School at the Institute of Culinary Education. After that, I fell in love with the kitchen and never turned back. 
We’d like to know about your experience within your community. Why did you choose the neighborhood that you did to open your business and how have you become involved within your community?
I love being a woman owned business in Brooklyn, especially in the food industry, because there is such a strong community of Boss Ladies here. I’m always finding new groups to join or new networking events to attend that are solely focused on the empowerment of professional women. 
What advice would you give to young women who want to open a small business and thrive?
Be confident, know your worth, and connect with your community! 
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