
Three Free Tools For Sellers

If you’re considering selling your home in Brooklyn, it’s good to go in with your eyes open. If you know what to expect, you can plan for it—particularly when it comes to financial decisions around the decision to sell. Of course, then you’ll be readying, pricing for sale, and thinking of all the everything that comes after the papers are signed. It’s a lot. But we’ve compiled a few tools below that should help.

In the meantime, feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about the sales process or register to attend our upcoming Selling In Brooklyn presentation!

New York City Closing Cost Calculator

As we all know, Brooklyn is its own beast when it comes to real estate. Closing costs vary state to state of course, but NYC has a few of its own rules to add to the mix. This handy tool from Prevu can give you a fairly accurate estimate of what to expect to pay.

StreetEasy’s Address Lookup Function (for condo and co-op sellers) 

Just use the search bar in the upper right to enter your building’s address (no need to do specific unit numbers). Once you find our building, scroll down to the “Units” section and see info about current deals in progress, current units for sale, and recent sales. These should offer a few good baseline comps. Remember that square footage, upgrades and updates, as well as number of beds/baths may differ from your situation, stitching the value up or down accordingly. 

All Kinds of Tax Info  

Not a tool but rather an extensive list of all the tax considerations sellers need to think about when it comes to April 15, 2021 (or whenever taxes will end up being due next year!). From turning a secondary home into a primary one to the tax implications of repairs and upgrades you’ve made, this is chock full of information. Of course, as we learned this past year, many things are up in the air when it comes to taxes so it’s best to get your concrete advice from a pro.

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