
You’re Invited | Selling In Brooklyn Right Now (Yes, Even During a Pandemic.)

DATE: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 at 4 PM

Join us for a fun and informal discussion covering all aspects of selling your home in Brooklyn.  If you can;t attend the live presentation, register anyway so we can send you the recording afterward (plus a special gift). 


We’ve been working hard since COVID began to offer valuable and free online education to perspective home buyers, but we can’t leave out the sellers! Especially now, when prices are fluctuating and so many New Yorkers seem to be moving—both inside the city and away. 

This presentation grew out of what we’re seeing everyday. Brooklyn real estate has always been its own animal, but navigating the changes and attempting to guess what the future holds right now is trickier than usual.

Throughout the presentation, we tell you how to navigate these issues, offer alternatives to road blocks, answer any questions you may have, and assure you that, yes, you can do this—pandemic or not.

We’ll also cover some of the market quirks and workarounds that are happening right now due to COVID-19. But the good news? It also offers some surprising benefits if you’re selling right now.

And even if your financial picture is less-than-clear right now, we encourage you to attend so you know what to get ready, and how, so when the time is right, you can effectively position your home to attract buyers and secure the best possible deal.

Selling In Brooklyn: 

When: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 at 4 PM

Who: Presented by Rashidah S. Siddiqui, Esq., Serpico, Serpico & Siddiqui, P.C. | Victoria Alexander, Founder, Realty Collective 

Where: Zoom | Register by filling out this information in the link here.

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