
Advice for Landlords and Renters Right Now

With the moratorium on evictions expired but the somewhat confusing Tenant Safe Harbor Act recently signed into law by Governor Cuomo, it’s not an easy time for tenants or landlords to know exactly where they stand. Since we work with both groups, we want to take this opportunity to offer some good-faith advice and to remind you that we’re here for questions you may have.

Renters? Here are some common-sense action steps, plus sample landlord contact letters to get you started. And this batch of renter resources for those facing financial hardship remains relevant as ever. 

Finally, we want to remind landlords of some of the ways we can assist you right now. One strategy that seems to be everywhere now is the flexible lease option. With so many New Yorkers in precarious job situations—and summer being such a high-turnover time—it might be a good option to offer 3- and 6-month leases to solid tenants. As a reminder though, any changes made to a lease must be written into a new lease agreement and signed again by both parties. The good news? We can do that. Read on to check out a few more services we provide and don’t hesitate to get in touch

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