Red Hook Open Studios Recap by Jane Herro
Nov 21, 2017 351 van brunt,art exhibits,artists,brooklyn,brooklyn art,brooklyn red hook events,Bryan Archbold,Eric Tu.,jane herro,open studios,red hook,red hook art,red hook open studios
I’m still smiling from this year’s Red Hook Open Studios! We had a full house from 1 – 6pm at the Red Hook RC office where we hosted local photographer Bryan Archbold and painter & lighting designer Eric Tu. With over twenty five studios opening up their doors for the day, the neighborhood was full of both Red Hookers and visitors alike.
The party continued at Pioneer Works, coinciding with Second Sunday’s. The artists in residence had their workspaces open and the two-person exhibition White Man on a Pedestal from Doreen Garner and Kenya (Robinson) was on view in the main gallery.
Red Hook Open Studios is a great way for local artists to share their process and work with the public and we look forward to being a part of it next year! If you’re an artist living or working in Red Hook and want to share your art with the public, I’d love to chat about future shows at 351 Van Brunt Street. Feel free to contact me at

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