
Puerto Rico Hurricane Disaster Relief Efforts in Brooklyn.

The kindness that follows a tragedy is always what keeps us sane and optimistic.  We are seeing that kindness throughout our communities here in Brooklyn in regards to Puerto Rico’s heartbreaking situation.  New Yorkers are coming together to raise money and donate to our fellow humans 1,600 miles south of us.

 @Planta Baja Studio in Clinton Hill Brooklyn will host a benefit yoga class and Kitchari, which is a type of Indian comfort food, on October 15th from 9am-12pm for the hurricane victims in Puerto Rico.  They are not the only ones.  We looked up Puerto Rico benefits on eventbriteand there are dozens scheduled throughout October and November in the area.
Folks are also collecting goods to send down.  Brooklyn PTA’s have been collecting donations and there are sites all over where you can drop off items like baby food, batteries, an more. Brokelyn has published  “A comprehensive list of every Puerto Rico donation site in Brooklyn“.
There is plenty we can do to help and so many options around us for ways to procede. For another guide check out this Curbed New York piece.
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