Participatory Budgeting Meeting in Red Hook Tonight.
Sep 17, 2015
We received an email about the PB meeting at the Miccio Community Center set for tonight, along with the flyer above, which has all the information about the whens and wheres of the assembly. The email came to us from Julian Morales and we’d like to share it with you. Hope to see everyone out at Miccio tonight!
Good Afternoon All,
Participatory Budgeting (PB) is back! Last cycle, with over 6,000 ballots cast—the highest in the City—we spoke boldly about our priorities, and our concerns: stronger schools, better infrastructure, and healthier parks. We connected with immigrants, young people, seniors, and non-English speakers in a way that was historic and that represented the true character of our community. This year—we’re going to be even better!
Without a doubt, the success of Participatory Budgeting in our council district begins with you. We need your voice and your unique experiences to help us make the best decisions for the majority of residents. Please join us on Thursday, September 17th at 6:30pm for our initial Neighborhood Assembly, where you will have the opportunity to talk with your neighbors, with our staff, and with me about the improvements you wish to see, and projects that are on your mind. While this is the first opportunity of this cycle to engage with one another, this is certainly not the last.
I cannot overstate the importance of PB as a new part of the fabric of our community—of our democracy. When we encourage one another to be responsible stewards of public dollars and of the public interest, we are doing the right thing.
As always, please reach out to my office at 718-439-9012 with questions. Additionally, visit for more information on the Participatory Budgeting Project. Please see our flier attached with a list of all our neighborhood assemblies and you may see us at your PTA, Community Board and other community meetings in the district.