
Moving with Kids Part 2: When You Get to the New House

We recently shared a blog post filled with tips for moving with kids. It covered eight creative ideas to make the process easier as you look for a new home, pack your belongings, and say goodbye. But what about when you get into your new house, your little ones are tired, and they’re in an unfamiliar place? How can you help them get accustomed, enjoy the house and community, and make friends? The following list of tips and tricks can help.

Explore your house

Make it fun with a game of hide-and-seek, or give your kids projects to tackle. Ask them to count the rooms, rank them in size order, or tell you how many tiles are in the bathroom.

Do the grand tour

Think like a tourist and go see the local sights. Your town’s Chamber of Commerce website should have plenty of suggestions for what to see and do.

Clue yourself in to the community

The library is a good place to ask about local kid-friendly facilities. Check out the YMCA, community pools, and churches, too — all of these are great places to meet families. 

Teach your child to meet and greet

Give a lesson in introductions, something along the lines of “Hi, I’m Kelsey, and I just moved here. Would you like to play?” If you see any children outside with their parents when you’re exploring, stop and introduce yourself and your child. Not only will they learn from watching you, but it’ll also help them to feel more comfortable.

Track down local kids

Take a walk around the neighborhood together, searching for signs that kids live nearby. “Look for toys and bicycles in yards, tire swings, basketball hoops,” says Lori Collins Burgan. “And put some play equipment out in your yard, too.”

Plan a welcome party.

Once you’ve met a few neighbors with kids, host an event like an ice cream social, pizza party, movie night, or scavenger hunt. Go to ParentsMag.com for fun hunt ideas. 

All in all, moving can be an incredible experience for kids with a bit of creativity on your end. Try out a few of the tips above and let us know how they go. We’re rooting for your kids to love your new home and neighborhood just as much as you are!

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