
Meditation, Money and Manifesting Video


Talking about Money, Real Estate and MEDITATION?!?  Seems like a paradox but it was an event to inspire and provide resources for people to find a home.  Although I have always walked away from the standard real estate event or financial planning event with insight I found that there was something missing. After reading multiple books on both subjects over the years and applying the tools of financial planning and helping clients find a home I thought it was time to have a workshop about it.  Yes, having great referrals from mortgage brokers and attorneys are essential.

I believe it was important to have the Meditation, Money and Manifesting Home event for people to ask questions and inspire people to start looking. Our intention was to create a dialogue about these anxieties we all share in regards to finding a home in NYC.   I thank all the participants who came to Studio Maya and here is a short video that was created by trendytripping.com and Brooklyn Commons’ Johanne Brierre and her team.

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