
Interactive Home-Buying Workshop: Buying Into Brooklyn—You’re Invited!


Join us for a fun, interactive workshop about buying a home in Brooklyn. We’ll cover the basics and then turn it over to you for questions. Every workshop is an entirely new experience!


Buying a home in Brooklyn has always been challenging—and COVID-19 hasn’t helped matters. But we’re not giving up! We love Brooklyn and we’re here for the long haul. If that describes you too, you need to be here.

This presentation not only covers general home-buying basics (and scores you a free copy of our Home Buyer’s Handbook), it’s geared specifically toward Brooklyn buyers and the issues we face—condo vs. coop, monthly fees, closing costs, Brooklyn-sized down payments.

Throughout the presentation, we tell you how to navigate these issues, offer alternatives to road blocks, answer any questions you may have, and assure you that, yes, people can and are still buying into Brooklyn.

We’ll also cover some of the market quirks and workarounds that are happening right now due to COVID-19. But the good news? It also offers some surprising benefits if you’re in a position to buy right now.

And even if your financial picture is less-than-clear right now, we encourage you to attend so you know what to get ready, and how, so when the time is right, you can pounce and land that dream home. 

Buying Into Brooklyn Workshop

When: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 at 5 PM

Who: Presented by Rashidah S. Siddiqui, Esq., Serpico, Serpico & Siddiqui, P.C. | Victoria Alexander, Founder, Realty Collective | Lisa Yountchi, Outside Loan Originator, CrossCountry Mortgage 

Where: Zoom | Register by filling out this information in the link here

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