
Housewarming Gift Ideas

So your friend or relative just found the home of their dreams and are now settling down. They unpack and get ready to have people over to visit or maybe throw a housewarming party. What to bring?! We’ve compiled a list of ideas for you!

The Classic: Nothing adds color and life to a home like…well something living and colorful. Plants and flowers are the go-to gift for new home-owners or renters. Here is a guide to help you choose one!

The New Yorker: Unpacking and getting a place decorated is time consuming. One hardly has time to think of eating. A nice gift basket of food is a great way to welcome someone into their home and make their life easier during these busy times. Zabars has free one-day delivery and some amazing breakfast basket options.  Another excellent and local option is Sahadi’s. They have a variety of baskets to choose from!

The Collector: This idea is more personal. Does your friend collect records or books or maybe little clown figurines? Getting something to add to their collection in their new space is a perfect contribution! Even better? Get them a gift card for a spot in their hood so they can visit and explore themselves. For Carroll Gardens or Cobble Hill try Black and Gold Records and Books are Magic.

We hope this helped. Gift giving is difficult but can brighten someones day and warm a home. Happy shopping!

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