
Happy New Year!

Cheers to 2022! We made it!

We know that this time of year is when we all look towards the future. What we will improve, what we will resolve to do, how we will reach our goals. But we also should pause and reflect on 2021.

We’ll go first:

  • We’re proud to have helped over 100 people buy/sell/rent/rent out their Brooklyn homes. What a year!
  • We brought in a new member of the team.
  • We’re back to a full-time open office.
  • We hosted artwork at our Red Hook office in Red Hook Open Studios (for the first time since COVID!)
  • We had some of the highest attendances ever for our Buying Into Brooklyn workshop!

We are proud of the work we’ve done this year, and we couldn’t have done it without you. So thank you for participating in helping us to have a fruitful, happy, and exciting year (even if there were some bumps along the way!). 

Happy New Year!!!

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