
Flexible Jobs for Performers in Brooklyn

More often than not performers living in New York will need what we call a “survival job”. Basically everyone needs to make enough money to pay the rent and that’s difficult to do on a performer’s unpredictable salary. It’s difficult for anyone going to auditions or rehearsals to work a 9-5 job but luckily there are plenty of options for New Yorkers with artistic aspirations.

Real Estate Agent: Obviously we’re going to list this one first because it’s what we know! Also, we are hiring! Working in real estate means you are your own boss. You work your listings and choose your own appointments throughout the day. The hours are flexible and you end up meeting a lot of people so it’s great for networking. Many agents that work for us are artists of all kinds! If you live in Brooklyn and are interested in applying click here.

Dog Walking: Here is another flexible job. You won’t be doing as much networking, except with cute furry little creatures, but you’ll be out in the fresh air and getting exercise while you work. Working for yourself is definitely more lucrative than working for a company. Read about our friend’s dog-walking business and how she began it here.

Waiting/Bartending: If you don’t mind the late hours, working in a bar or restaurant can be very lucrative. It’s probably the most popular job for actors and actresses in the city. For naturally outgoing types working with people is a piece of cake. It’s certainly not an easy job but if you can find a place with good vibes and nice people it can be a lovely atmosphere. Try asking around at places you frequent since they may recognize your face and you already know you like the space.

Babysitting: Now being a nanny would mean regular hours and not so flexible but with the “every once in a while” babysitting gig you could choose your hours. People pay big bucks for babysitters in New York. Again working through a company isn’t the best idea if you want to earn more. Ask around. If you have friends with kids then they most likely have friends with kids and can spread the word about you. Parents are always looking for sitters so once you are in with a group word travels fast and you’ll likely be getting folks asking for you.


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