
Drag Queen Story Hour Protested in Brooklyn


Living in Brooklyn definitely feels like living in a tolerant liberal bubble…sometimes. But we realize that their is hate in every nook and cranny of this world, unfortunately. We wanted to share this story with everyone hoping that you will bring your children (or just yourselves) and spread some love in support of Drag Queen Story Hour in Gerritsen Beach, Brooklyn. Last Thursday a handful of homophobic residents of Gerritsen Beach decided to protest an event that is generally accepted and delightfully welcomed in other public libraries around our borough. Storyteller and drag queen, Angel Elektra didn’t let the angry crowd outside phase her and it probably helped to have a large crowd of counter-protesters there to support her. You can read more about this and watch a video here. Hopefully all this hateful noise will just go away but we’ll let you know if there are future protests so you can maybe come out and out-shout the hate mongers!

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