
Do I Really Need An Agent?

OK, But, Do I Really Need a Real Estate Agent? 

Our completely unbiased opinion? Yep, you do. OK, we’re not unbiased, but even those of us at Realty Collective who are agents (including our founder, broker Victoria Alexander) have chosen to have our co-workers serve as our agents when we have bought property. Why? Because no matter how much training you have or the amount of savvy you bring to your search, real estate is an inherently emotional proposition.

But an agent not only has a fiduciary obligation to ensure your money is handled properly, but an ethical one, as well. At Realty Collective, all our agents are hired only if they demonstrate a commitment to our ethical principles and a true capacity for advocacy. 

So how does an agent help? They’ll put their years of real-world knowledge (the kind Google can’t help with) to work for you and they’ll also serve as sounding boards for you throughout this process. They’ll be impartial up to a point (this is your choice, after all) but they’ll also ensure you’re seeing the whole picture and not making rash decisions, “falling in love” with a property before due diligence or not spending more than you have to. We like to think of ourselves as real estate therapists, helping you navigate a difficult journey and empowering you with the skills you need to get to your destination. 


10 Questions to Ask Your (Potential) Real Estate Agent 

  • Do you have any referrals or testimonials I can see? Can you point me to your online reviews?
  • How long have you been an agent?
  • Am I working with one agent or a team? (We work individually here or in small teams, so you’ll know everyone you work with well, but knowing this helps you understand what to expect.)
  • How do your fees work?
  • How available are you for my questions? How do I reach you?
  • How well do you know my desired neighborhood(s)?
  • What tools do you use that can help me through this process?
  • How long does this process usually take in Brooklyn? Can you walk me through what to expect?
  • Do you have recommended vendors or partners you can vouch for?
  •  What questions do you have for me? (At Realty Collective, our process is an ongoing conversation to ensure your needs are being met. We will always have questions for you!)


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