
Danish Restaurant opens on Smith Street.

We blogged earlier this week about a Welsh Restaurant opening up on Smith Street.  We had never had Welsh food and thought that was a nice little addition to the Cobble Hill neighborhood.  Well, we came across Bornholm only blocks away on Smith Street. This Danish restaurant also looks delicious and I must say we’ve never tried Danish food either! They are both on our list! Below is a quote by owners Lone and Claudi that we saw on their website.
It may seem as a big step, and it sure is, but when we had the opportunity to follow our dream of living in the US, we gladly took it. We have a background of running a hotel in Denmark and even though it is a totaly different country, we have many things in common.We wanted to present a piece of Denmark to the American people and then the idea of a Danish café came up. In 2012 we opened The Danish Café in Red Bank, New Jersey and it has been very succesful.

In the summer of 2016 we opened The Danish Café & Restaurant in Brooklyn, New York, called “Bornholm”. We hope, that you, our customers, will like what we have to offer and look forward to welcome you to our restaurant in Brooklyn, New York, as well as to The Danish Cafe’ in Red Bank, New Jersey.

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