
Compére Collective Presents: Time/Space by MOTHER CREATRIX COLLECTIVE

We are so excited to present May’s exhibit at Compére Collective, TIME/SPACE featuring artists from MOTHER CREATRIX COLLECTIVE! Make sure you stop by their Opening Reception on Sunday, May 7 from 2-5pm. Make sure you stop by to meet some of the artists! 


Women and (m)others are often expected to give up their time and space in favor of those in their care. This to the point where it may feel like no amount of time is enough, and no space theirs to claim. Thus, while time and space are quantifiable and objective concepts, they seem to take on subjective perception within the context of how we live. 

Participating Artists in Time/Space are:

Allison Belolan, Shweta Bist, Stephanie Eche, Kim Hopson, Caroline McAuliffe, Courtney Alan Rossy, Jocelyn Russell, Nina Wood

This exhibition is part of the Taking. Up. Space. Initiative facilitated by Thrive Together Network. Taking Up Space or T.U.S. is a Grassroots Female Focused Community Global Art Exhibition empowering artists to take up more space and exhibit their art in the month of May, 2023. There are over 80 exhibitions taking place this year and MCC: Time/Space is one of them.

10% of the proceeds from any commissioned artwork as part of the show at Compére Collective will be donated to Chip Charity, an organization with a mission to eliminate food insecurity and homelessness in New York City. They also provide specialized services to mothers in the Brooklyn area. 


Interested in hosting a show in our free Compére Collective space? Submit your proposal here and we’d love to have you!

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