Compére Collective Presents: 238 Textile Collective: Ongoing Conversations
Sep 27, 2022 brooklyn,brooklyn art event,brooklyn art exhibits,brooklyn artists,brooklyn events,brooklyn realty,Compère Collective,events,red hook
Starting October 3, we are happy to exhibit 238 Textile Collective in their show, “Ongoing Conversations.”
This exhibit – featuring work from a handful of artists – explores the interconnectedness of people, their emotions, and their community. Make sure to stop by the RC office October 3-30 to see the work of these great artists, including the weekend of Red Hook Open Studios, October 8 & 9!
238 Textile Collective: Ongoing Conversations
Conversations happen all the time with other beings. However, the most intimate ones happen internally with ourselves. When we create, we engage in an internal conversation that becomes visible and connected to the cloth textile. Meditating on the meaning of attachment while actually weaving fibers, mending torn and frayed edges, and sewing pieces together continues to teach us about the interconnectedness of human beings and how we can love more deeply.
Stitching and dry felting processes use a needle to weave fibers together through repetitive and aggressive jabbing motions. Wet felting and the process of joomchi incorporates water and friction to create connection. These processes can become the antidotes to overwhelming emotions such as anger, despair, and sadness, by instilling feelings of hope and beauty.
The years of the pandemic have taught us that everything is attached and interconnected. As Rumi teaches, let us hold on to our thread.
Featuring work by the following artists:

Make sure you stop by the month of October to see the show — and if you want to learn more about 238 Textile Collective, visit them here!