
Celebrating Our 15th By Giving Back: NYC Community Land Initiative

As a part of our 15th Anniversary celebration and thank you to Brooklyn, we’ve selected 15 non-profit organizations to highlight that are doing work in our borough—or directly helping our fellow Brooklynites. We encourage everyone to learn a bit about the people making our community stronger and, if possible, to join us in making a small monetary donation to further their work. We thank them for everything they do and thank you for supporting a small, woman-owned Brooklyn business for the past 15 years! 

We recognize that many of the orgs we’ve been highlighting this month have to do with land. But is there anything more critical to maintaining the character and community of New York City? We don’t think so. And that’s why we especially love the work of the New York Community Land Initiative, an alliance of social justice and affordable housing organizations.

NYCCLI recognizes that this work can’t be done alone, which is why its alliance “includes grassroots, community- and faith-based, labor, and city-wide organizations working to advance Community Land Trusts (CLTs) to address root causes of homelessness and displacement.”

If you’ve never heard much about CLTs, it’s important to get educated. Often, CLTs are the only thing standing between developers and a vastly changed landscape for ourselves and our neighbors. 

We encourage you to take 90 seconds to learn why this work is so important. We’re grateful for NYCCLI’s hard work to house all New Yorkers. 


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