
Buying into Brooklyn Crash Course on Monday.

Realty Collective will be hosting another workshop for first-time home buyers on Monday at Brooklyn Brewery. Join RC’s owner, Victoria Hagman, and agents Jane Herro and Tina Fallon at Brooklyn Brewery on April 23rd as they share tips and answer questions alongside mortgage professionals, Mark Maimon and Gabi Feuer  and real estate attorney, Rashidah Siddiqui.  We know that purchasing in Brooklyn can sometimes feel like a daunting endeavor. The more you learn before beginning this journey, the easier it will be. Have all of your burning questions answered in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere as you sip on a beer. Our crash course back in the fall was a big success and we are expecting even more folks this time since the real estate market busy season is well underway. Buy your $10 tickets and read more here!

Here’s what you’ll learn over Brooklyn beers on April 23:

-The new tax implications of home ownership

-Who protects you and helps you get the best deal

-How to position yourself as a bonafide buyer in a competitive market

-The importance of finding the right lender

-What to do when you have bad or less than stellar credit

-The steps to obtaining a pre-approval and mortgage

-The offer/acceptance process

-The difference between a condo vs. co-op

-How to spot renovation potential in a property

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