
Brooklyn Businesses Saving Cash by Sharing Spaces.

When Nectar Juice Bar lost it’s lease at the small space they had on Court Street they moved over to Strong Place, a restaurant further down on Court, and were planning on temporarily sharing that space until they found one of their own. Months and months passed and the space now has “Nectar” etched onto one window and “Strong Place” on the other, which means Nectar is there to stay.  It’s a perfect set up really.  Strong Place does most of it’s business at night and Nectar is a day time operation.  New Yorkers have learned that sharing rent is sometimes the only way we can afford this amazing but pricey city and it’s surprising we don’t see more commercial leases being split in the same way.  It can also work very well for marketing purposes.  For example in Ditmas Park Stems, a flower shop, shares a space with a bar that’s at the back of the room called Sycamore. The place is always beautifully decorated with flowers and they’ve even offered specials, such as a beer and a bouquet, over the years.  We have a feeling as rent goes up in Brooklyn we may see more businesses becoming roomies.

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