
A New Textile Storefront Opens on Henry Street.

Castel is the name of the new spot at 385 Henry Street.  It’s right next door to Burlap and we thought perhaps it was connected but after checking out their website we learned it’s a different owner and this is their first Brooklyn storefront. So what is it?  Not quite sure yet it seems.  It looked like an office walking by with a whole wall of fabrics on one side. We have learned that the owners sell textiles but this shop may be more than a fabric shop.  In their own words:

This all happened so fast that we went into this very spontaneously without much of a plan. Very unlike us which was fun! Is it going to be a shop? An office? A place for designers and locals to come hang out and see beautiful fabrics? An event space? A coffee bar? Check, check, and check! We are going to try it all and have some fun. The espresso machine is fired up and our front terrace is ready for sunning, so stop by!

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